Another quick update
over 4 years ago
– Thu, Sep 03, 2020 at 02:29:38 AM
Ladies & Gents,
The molds for all minis are ready! We've received new samples (photos in next updates) and we're happy with the quality. All that is left to do is to close BackerKit and place our final order with the factory.
So, we need to remind you that on 1-Oct BackerKit will close (while addresses will still be open to be updated). If you have not done that already, please take a moment and fill in your pledge manager:
Have a great week,
What's going on now
over 4 years ago
– Mon, Aug 31, 2020 at 10:30:46 PM
Ladies & Gentlemen,
A quick update on what we are doing now with Dark Ages:
- we're implementing the community feedback on cards (and there are a lot of them)
- we're doing the DTP part of the rules, which is a process we have underestimated, due to all the modules, but we're still on schedule
On the factory side: we're waiting for an update on the moulds, which were supposed to be ready on 15-Aug, but there is a bit of delay. The good news is that we accounted for this and even if they'll only be ready at the end of September we'll stay in schedule.
As 1-Oct is only a month away, we'd like to remind all of you who did not fill in the pledge manager to do so. We'll post more reminders via updates and finally via BackerKit, as we would not want you to miss out.
Have a great week,
All cards are here! Community feedback most welcome!
over 4 years ago
– Thu, Aug 06, 2020 at 08:03:47 PM
My Lords and Ladies!
We have now reached the final stage of preparations, and we would love you to tell us what you think about the huge hoard of cards that will come with both boxes. Below, you will find links to all cards (front and backs) including all modules. We hope that with your help we can root out the final typos or wordings which you might find unclear.
The links below lead you to files on Dropbox. They will be available until Wednesday, August 13th. On Wednesday we will collect all of your feedback and proceed to making accepted changes to the card files. Please do not leave any comment directly on Dropbox! Instead, please put them in the comments of this update (not the main comment section). If you would like to leave comments directly in the pdf, you can also download them and them send them directly to me: for that please use the address blazej (at) boardanddice (dot) com.
Now, let's get into those links!
Heritage of Charlemagne cards front (including all modules):
Heritage of Charlemagne cards back (including all modules):
Holy Roman Empire cards front (including all modules):
Holy Roman Empire cards back (including all modules):
As you see, we have provided you with the fronts and backs - this is due to some modules having double-sided cards. It also gives you the opportunity to take a look at card backs!
Finally, we'd like to thank in advance all of you who spend the time to help us out with final corrections! Dark Ages is a huge project, and we want to make it the best game it can possibly be - and with your help, we will!
Have a great day!
Up close and personal with miniature production samples!
over 4 years ago
– Fri, Jul 24, 2020 at 06:58:06 AM
My Lords and Ladies!
The work on cards is still in full swing. In the meantime we received final production samples of Dark Ages miniatures - and we would like to share them with you.
In the previous update we mentioned that we needed to make some corrections to initial samples. Now, having those small changes done, we can show you the final sample. Please note that while all samples are grey, units, farms and production buildings will ship in coloured plastic. Otherwise, there will be no difference between what you see in the photos below and what you will find in your Heritage of Charlemagne and Holy Roman Empire boxes.
Let's take a look at some Military Commanders first:
Next up, Great Buildings:
Cities and production buildings:
And for those of you, who really want to get in there for an extremely detailed view:
Thank you and have a great day!
Steadily forward!
over 4 years ago
– Fri, Jun 19, 2020 at 09:49:22 PM
My Lords and Ladies!
This update is one of the more boring ones: we are steadily moving forward. To give you a bit more detail:
1. We've received some pre-production miniature samples, and made some small corrections and adjustments. When we receive the next (corrected) batch, we will make sure to share some photos with you!
2. Work on solo mode is almost finished! The mode will be still adjusted until the end of this month. It is exactly what you would expect from a solid, automa-style opponent, interacting with the Culture Board, creating opportunities for reactions and making for a solid challenge. You can expect a separate update on the ins and outs of solo mode once its functionalities are locked.
3. We're done with about 95% of art and graphic design (leaving mostly just the solo mode). We will have the first iteration of all cards ready: both base boxes and Modules. We're hoping that you will help us make them even better, when we put them up for community feedback. This should happen within the coming weeks. The same will happen to the rulebook (at a later date, however), so you will be able to see (and feedback!) all important game components before anything goes to print.
4. Unfortunately, we had to drop the online play for the time being, as we had some technical difficulties with porting everything into an online platform. For now it is suspended but we may be coming back to this after some card and rulebook community proof.
We're hoping that you are staying safe and healthy, and that there are some good games in your plans for the weekend.
Have a great day!