Locking addresses for US backers
over 3 years ago
– Thu, Jun 24, 2021 at 12:42:27 AM
Ladies & Gentlemen,
Since the containers with Dark Ages have made it to port in the US and they may reach our fulfillment center quite soon (we hope), we are locking all addresses.
Please double check in the pledge manager that your address is correct and complete, and that it will remain stable for the next several weeks.
In 48 hours, BackerKit is set to automatically lock all US addresses, and beyond that moment no address change will be possible.
Thank you and stay safe,
New logistics update
over 3 years ago
– Fri, Jun 18, 2021 at 05:33:10 AM
Ladies & Gentlemen,
Going region by region, here is where we stand:
1) Australia, SE+E Asia - fulfilled via VFI
VFI has processed some of the shipments to local fulfillment centers, and they can be found here: vfi.asia/hubs/
2) USA
It seems that the vessel carrying our games has made it to the port of Seattle, to our grand surprise. During the following days the container should be unloaded in the port, processed through customs and sent to Funagain. The same process took 2 days for Paladin sleeves, and 7+ weeks for Yedo. So... we need to wait and see how fast things move this time.
3) Europe and the rest of the world
The booking for 15-Jun has been canceled and we got 2 days ago a new offer, but for double the shipping price (and double comes with no exaggeration). We accepted it as prices for overseas shipping by sea from China and going to go up again on 1-Jul. Hopefully this booking will hold. The ETD is 27-Jun and ETA in port in Europe is 26-Jul. We do not have the vessel name yet.
4) Canada
We have a firm booking for Canada, ETD is 28-Jun, for triple the original price (again no exaggeration). We hoped that with this crazy increase of price comes also some certainty, but that's not the case. We can only be sure of this booking after the vessel leaves Shanghai. We should have news in about 2 weeks.
Have a great weekend,
Quick update for all regions
over 3 years ago
– Mon, May 31, 2021 at 08:34:48 PM
Ladies & Gentlemen,
Here is where we stand for each region:
1) USA
- container load on the vessel
- vessel name: CMA CGM NORMA
2) Europe + rest of the world
- we have a booking for 15-Jun, but we are not sure it will hold
3) Canada
- several bookings have come and gone, waiting for a new one
4) Asia, Australia
- VFI has started fulfillment
- as packages get shipped to local fulfillment centers, information will be available here: http://vfi.asia/hubs/
Have a great week,
Another update for all regions
over 3 years ago
– Sun, May 23, 2021 at 09:45:39 AM
Ladies & Gentlemen,
Following up on last week's update (which is a mandatory read for this one to make sense), here is where we stand:
1) Australia, SE+E Asia - fulfilled via VFI
The games have reached the fulfillment center, they've been added in the queue for processing by VFI. As soon as we have tracking numbers for China and Hong Kong we will upload them in BackerKit, for the rest details will be available via vfi.asia/hubs/
2) USA
We have a confirmed booking for 25-May, half a month earlier than predicted last week! This used to mean a lot, but nowadays confirmed booking seem to easily vanish into thin air. We will post another update after our pallets are on board.
3) Europe and the rest of the world
We also have a booking for Poland, however it is for 15-Jun and it is not "firm". This means that even though we've accepted the offer and so did the sea line, price may still change (up) and we may lose it. Keep your fingers crossed, as this is already the most we've ever paid per container in Board & Dice history and it may still not be good enough.
4) Canada
There is no relevant update here, we're still waiting for a booking.
Have a great weekend,
Locking addresses for Asia+Australia. Shipping update for USA, EU, Canada.
over 3 years ago
– Fri, May 14, 2021 at 11:59:28 PM
Ladies & Gentlemen,
We have updates for every region, so this will be a slightly longer update...
1) Australia, SE+E Asia - fulfilled via VFI
The games should reach the fulfillment center quite soon, and then VFI will proceed next week to packing and shipping to local hubs. Packages to China and Hing Kong and shipped straight from their warehouse, therefore we should have tracking numbers in about 2 weeks. To all other countries covered by VFI they will send ready packages to local fulfillment centers for local delivery. These will be available to monitor via vfi.asia/hubs/
In the meantime, please be aware that addresses of backers in the following countries will be locked in 48 hours: Australia, China, Hong Kong, Macao, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Singapore, South Africa, Taiwan, Thailand, and Vietnam.
2) USA
Even though our booking with FedEx Logistics (different from FedEx the courier company) is a month old, the earliest we could secure shipping out of Shanghai is 15-Jun :(
The reality in Chinese ports is dire: there is a massive shortage of containers (still) and the forecast shows the situation will continue through the summer.
If this booking holds, the games should reach a US port in mid July. From there, it is all about luck. Our Yedo shipment needed more than 6 weeks to be processed through port and customs and apparently this is the new normal.
3) Europe and the rest of the world
Packages to backers in Europe and all other regions outside US, Canada and SE+E Asia will be shipped from Poland. At this time, we still do not have a booking for our shipment bound to Europe. We have offers and despite the astronomical prices, we have not been able to secure shipping. With games ready to be taken to the port, all we can do is wait and keep requesting offers from various carriers.
4) Canada
The situation for Canada is very similar to the one is USA: we have a booking for the first half of June and if it holds the games will make it to a Canadian port in about 20-25 days. But if we use Yedo as a relevant example, we have 7 weeks of wait between the moment the vessel reached port until the moment games arrived to our fulfillment center, as Canadian ports suffer from the same shortage of workers.
All in all, we're doing the best we can to speed up the shipping process, however we have no ace up our sleeves and mostly all we can do is exchange emails and ... wait.
Hopefully the next update will come with better news.
Have a great weekend,